5 Reasons to Turn Your Shed Into a Home Office


Working from home has become a bigger trend since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Bringing work home quickly transformed from being taboo to the norm. The problem was many didn’t have an adequate workspace to stay focused throughout the day. At home, there are many other demands than those of just our boss. 

We know working at the same kitchen table as your kids, doesn’t always cut it. Or, having to pack up everything, every single night so you have space for dinner, isn’t exactly ideal. Or, maybe you’ve carved out a tiny space in the spare room, aka the storage room. Trying to stay organized or creative in a cluttered room of storage boxes isn’t easy to do. 



So, if you find yourself in need of a true dedicated workspace, whether you’re working from home or venturing into entrepreneurship, we actually recommend moving your desk out of the house and into the shed. Why? Let’s explore a few reasons: 

  1. It helps you embrace your new normal. Working from home may have always been a dream or maybe it’s been a real struggle for you. But, it’s important to create a space you feel comfortable in if you imagine working from home for an extended amount of time.Our sheds can help you build a new normal in a number of ways!
  2. Fewer distractions. Your backyard shed is your designated space for work. Hopefully it can be kid free, spouse free, and since you’re at home, your peers won’t distract you as much either.

    Cook Customers

  3. You don’t have to share your space. Whether you’ve been working next to a giant pile of storage, or your office also acts as your in-law’s guest room, your office can quit being a dual space. You’ll be able to leave your work out so it’s ready to pick right back up the next day. Or, maybe you’ll be able to create work zones throughout your office for more efficient work.

  4. It helps you maintain a separation between your work and your home.You already struggled with the work/life balance before and now that you’re working from home, you probably discovered this hasn’t gotten any easier. Having your own office, away from any room in the house, means you can leave work at work and still enjoy the benefits of only being a few feet away from home all day.
  5. It will add value to your home, your work and your life. You’re not worried about commute times anymore. If your family needs you, you’re right there. And if you decide to sell your home, the shed in the backyard is always a nice touch.


We have some great tips here for transforming your shed into a home office. We walk you through the different things to think about as you decide on electrical work, trim and decor of your office.

Now, what sheds work best as a backyard home office? We recommend looking at the Cook Utility Shed and Cook Cabin style sheds. These will not only look great in your backyard, but they make a great blank canvas for an office transformation. 

The Utility style shed is one of our most versatile sheds. You can add in additional doors, windows, add a flower box or shutters to the front too. This shed style even has a loft option if you’re needing your office to have additional storage space. 

Backyard Shed from Utility Shed

The Cabin style sheds offer a welcoming front porch and entrance. These are some of the largest shed styles we offer with a 14’ wide option available in select areas. 

premium-lofted-cabin-Make a backyard shed

Your home office should be a reflection of who you are as well as the work you do. Transform your space into something that will inspire your work every morning. 

Ready to build your backyard home office? Let’s get started! 
