4 Things to Do Before Buying a Shed

We know purchasing a storage building is not a rush decision, that’s why we provide all kinds of materials to help you make an informed decision. With Cook, you’ll know you’ve made the right purchase.

No matter the purpose you have in mind for your shed, you want one that will prove to be a good investment. You want a shed that is built to last and includes worry-free warranties. Take a look at all of the building features a Cook shed offers!

But, before you make your final decision, you should check off this list first.  Here are 4 things to do before buying a shed.  

4 Things to Do Before Buying a Shed + Cook Portable Warehouses


  • Check with local government on what permits are needed.

The need for permits vary by your city and state.  When you talk with your local government you’ll need to provide the proposed building details and future location. In some areas you may even have to pay a fee to submit an approval form.

Want more information? What you need to know about permits before buying a shed.

  • Ask the important questions.

There are so many questions that come with purchasing a portable shed. But, have you thought of these?

  • What are the sheds made of compared to others in the industry?

Understanding how your shed is built will help you understand the durability and lifespan of your building. Ask your dealer all about the features and the materials used.  Here’s a glance at the dependable Cook shed features.  

Who will be delivering the shed? Who will be in your backyard?

Some competitors will hire a third party to deliver the shed. That means you won’t really know who is in your backyard. With Cook, we have a professional delivery staff who have passed criminal background checks, drug screenings, and periodic check-rides.  Learn more about the Cook shed delivery process.

Do I need to put my shed on blocks or a slab of concrete?

Not with a Cook shed! Why not? Find out!


  • Compare different shed brands and styles.  

Your Cook dealers will encourage you to shop around. Some of our dealers have the saying “Go look at the rest, then come back and buy the best.”

Cook even offers you a Dare to Compare Checklist that you can print and take with you as you shop.  Here are just a few of the items on the checklist:

-Lowest Price Guarantee

-Written Lifetime Warranty

-Vented Ridge

-Heavy Duty 6” Door Hinges

-Pulling Blocks Installed

  • Decide on and prepare your location.

Good news! After you choose a Cook shed, and your location, there isn’t any preparation work that’s needed.  As long as the location you choose is level, then you are all set!

So how do you choose the right location for your shed? You want to keep your purpose in mind and how accessible you need your portable building to be from your home or office.

Also consider its appearance. Will it be seen from the road or your front yard? By choosing a Cook portable warehouse, you can have peace of mind that it will actually accentuate your landscape.  You might even find that it adds value to your home!

Here’s a great resource for deciding on the best location for your new storage shed.

Before buying a shed, it’s important to do your research and understand the purchase you’re making. Ensure you are getting the best quality and delivery experience with your portable building investment.  

Still trying to convince your spouse that you even need a shed? Then download our free presentation! It will help you get the conversation going.
